Performance Descriptors
1B - Students who meet the standard can apply reading
strategies to improve understanding and fluency.
1. Relate reading to self, world, and other texts and experiences and make connections to related information.
1C - Students who meet the standard can comprehend
a broad range of reading materials.
5. Critically evaluate information from multiple sources.
4A - Students who meet the standard can listen effectively
in formal and informal situations.
2. Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information.
4. Develop and ask questions related to the content and purpose of oral/media presentations.
4B - Students who meet the standard can speak effectively using language appropriate
to the situation and audience.
4. Speak clearly and confidently (e.g., use good volume, eye contact, body language).
6. Demonstrate effective use of visual aids and available technology.
5C - Students who meet the standard can apply acquired information, concepts and ideas
to communicate in a variety of formats.
- Use multiple, reliable sources to develop and support major ideas in an oral or multimedia