1940s Research Project


Works Cited


Each team will create a PowerPoint presentation consisting of approximately 20 slides which inform the audience about their assigned topics. The students will divide up the work in their chosen category as follows: 

Organizer: (1 person) Coordinate the compilation of slides into one uniform slideshow. Do general research and created the opening and closing slides. Present the slide show and do narration for the presentation. 

Researchers: Divide up the research and create 3 - 4 slides each on the assigned topic. Save your slides and e-mail them to the Organizer or save them on a disk. These slides will then be inserted into one slide show which includes the work of all team members

  • All members should agree on a theme and standard font. The presentation should be uniform in appearance
  • Your presentation should include an even mix of both text and graphics. Please see the evaluation rubric before beginning.
  • You will also be asked to evaluate your own contribution and the work of others in your group.

Site created by Dianna Granata: DGranata@evergreenpark.org